B.O. tribal / double S guidance / test my lung capacity and begin a rhyme trial
spark up a fat torch / and blaze a trail through the wilderness / listen to
my primal scream / I'm the samu-rhymer
stripping away your heart to the core / is the darkness we create so
reams of overly used cliches / are these what the pied piper uses to lure the
put the needle on the record every now and again
they're not made to dust up in a cardboard box
an outfit from the land of long coldness / to the season-less dried out
street corners
we bring the sound / from eardrum to eardrum and beyond / over the fence
around the column inches of conservative morality
merging O's constructed drums and my images / unleashing the fiercest without
shit so fresh it hits you like culture shock / this FUNKAMAGIC makes words and
sounds 3-D
nobody has any doubts / the satirists can no longer predict charts
chased by curiosity we explore the untouched land / one word per
day for one way / along an unwalked path
I'm an elite MC from a woodland gypsy colony / a free-lance journalist
rolling out truths in every verse / a new world order / I'm the yellow vandal-Aristotles
I know what the media have to ask me next / I know the listeners are waiting
for the real shit
Round up the Top 40 buyers / stun them and involve them in our domino theory
a melody created outside the confines of do-re-mi / played by the android-Freud
through my subconsciousness
while night rolls by / write today to surpass yesterday's limits
and pass that on to tomorrow / in a loud voice and a fast beating heart
our bulldozer of passion has yet to slow / vivid through my eyes
/ two red eyes / now is the time
Your smug look only makes me grin / what I get from a half-assed big mouths is
a yawn
I'm the Ill-Tambourine Man who moves in advance / you'd better take your girl
crews playing no-hoper shows, you're fired / if your advantage is speaking English
too then your career is over
I'm sick of hearing the same old travelogues / you're better off being a Manhattan
tour guide
the new post-Blue Herb concept / has blossomed over the industry
like a wild weed
hip hop has recovered from its feverish disease / the disc will never
turn the way it used to
those hyena-like creators who flocked to the cutting edge / stick around, see
what the Blue smells like
from evolution by technological revolution / a bud ahead of the others / we are
among the top 5%
on our chest is a calendar 5 years ahead / our path is long and runs deep / always
be a challenger
don't yap like a mutt on stage / if your rhymes can't even be a bad joke, then
shut up
to the protesters who strive to grasp the impossible / time will tell
Without taking breath, lets put these plans to bed / a long and winding road
/ don't forget the song on your lips
sniff out the moment / and stake it all on this one shot / strike through old
test your capacity on your own / if the time is for you then it's yours to make
the times they are changin' / the hunter always beats the hunted
the kingfish keeps on swimming in slo-mo / a thoroughbred from the North is
about to draw ahead
the times they are changin' / the hunter always beats the hunted
I keep my lungs and brain in good order /the Higarishi scene, still 7 years ahead
the times they are changin' / an act of proof always silences critics
it's 7 years since our debut / at least the cats in Tokyo can see
that the times are changing / times are changeable / and you change your own
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